The Process of Social Research - SIMP55
This course aims to teach the student about the overall research process and social scientific research design.
Course content
The course begins by grounding the student with a common language and the key concepts that are used in social scientific research. The student learns about the logic of research itself, including applied theory of science, research designs (including mixed-methods designs), and gains practice in designing contrasting research proposals.
The course will also introduce discipline-specific theory of science, paradigms, research design, and data, and cover research management, publication and communication, peer review, and ethics.
Online course platform
This course uses Canvas as the online course platform. The course platform will be opened two weeks before the course begins to all students who were accepted. Here you will be able to access literature, assignments, announcements, as well as participate in discussions and communicate with teachers.
The course schedule can be found under the course information on the right. Please note that the final version of the schedule will be made available four weeks before the course begins, and changes may occur until that point. A more detailed schedule will be available on the course platform on Canvas.
About the course
Next course period:
2024-09-02 to 2024-10-31
Course schedule:
List view | Calendar view