A possibility to try your theoretical knowledge in the field!
An internship can provide a valuable experience in the field, as well as a reference for the future. An internship can be conducted in Sweden or abroad, in an NGO, a governmental organisation or in the private sector. This gives you endless possibilities for your third semester!
During the third term of the MSc programme in Development Studies, Global Studies and Social Studies of Gender, you can do an internship for the whole semester, 20 weeks (30 credits) or for half a semester, 10 weeks (15 credits). Students of the Master's programmes in Politics and Society of the Contemporary Middle East and Social Scientific Data Analysis have the possibility of doing an internship for the first half of the semester (10 weeks/15 credits) only. The internship course is only offered in the autumn term.
Why do an internship?
By doing an internship you will gain practical experiences within your field of study. The theories and methods you have been struggling with during your studies will help you carry out the tasks you will be given during your internship and give a better understanding of the context you are facing during your internship. And, if you did not understand the meaning of learning all the theories and methods during your studies, the internship will show you why the theories and methods can be useful and important tools.
During your internship, you will also increase your networks, make contacts and gain important references for future employment. The internship will be a possibility for you to get a taste of working life after graduation. It will also help you see your competencies, skills and knowledge, and how these can be put into practice, which will assist you when you start applying for work after graduation.
Last but not least, an internship will give you an inside glimpse of a particular occupation and organization. The internship may help you to discover if the area of work you are considering is what you would like to work with after graduation.
Step-by-step Guide to the internship course
Find the internship position yourself
Information meetings about internship will be held during your first semester in the programme and in the beginning of the second semester. We recommend you to start applying for internships early in the spring semester (February-March). Some organisations publish ads looking for interns, others do not even know what an intern can bring to the organisation because they have never thought about it. Do not be afraid to contact interesting organisations directly!
Graduate School publishes most internship ads on Canvas.
How do I find an internship?
Many international organisations and agencies advertise internship opportunities on their websites. There are also a number of websites which assemble and announce volunteer and internship opportunities collected from websites around the world. You can also contact organizations and agencies directly, explaining your background and your reason for contacting them.
Make sure your internship adheres to the timeframe for the given course period
The internship courses run for the whole term (SIMR45, 30 credits), the first half of the autumn term (SIMR46, 15 credits), or the second half of the autumn term (SIMR46, 15 credits). Students who wish to take the course must make sure that their internship adheres the following timeframe: The internship must be approximately 20 or 10 weeks long (30-40 hours of work per week) and can only start as early as two weeks before the start of the corresponding term period, and last as long as the last of the end of the corresponding course period. The internship must start a week after the term period start at the latest. Please see the dates listed in the info box on the right hand menu.
Fill out the Internship Agreement Form
The agreement form should be filled out carefully by yourself and the contact person at the organisation. This contact person should preferably be your supervisor but could also be a staff manager or similar. When the agreement form is signed by yourself and the organisation representative, you submit it to the Graduate School. You can leave the form in the student reception desk or bring it to the academic advisor during visiting hours. If you are not in Lund, a scanned copy of the agreement will work. Note that the scanned copy must be of good quality.
The academic advisor will discuss the internship agreement with the Director of Studies. The Director of Studies will approve the internship or reject it due to incomplete description of tasks or other issues. You will receive confirmation by email.
To think about:
- Your tasks should be qualified and relevant for your programme and major. You should have independent tasks as well as taking part in the daily routines of the organisation.
- Make sure you have time to do the course assignments. We recommend you negotiate the hours with your supervisor so that you have some time every week for course work.
- Your internship must take place within the approved internship timeframe/course period in order to be approved!
Finally, check the details for your destination
If you are doing an internship abroad, it is your responsibility to check all details regarding travelling, VISA, accommodation, vaccinations etc. Remember to check the validity of your passport and make sure to bring the insurance certificate provided by the Graduate School academic advisor if you are goind abroad. You will be required to post course assignments on Canvas, which means you will need an internet connection.
For any unanswered questions related to practical matters such as the internship length, eligibility requirements and the agreement form, please email the academic advisor at lucie [dot] larssonova [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se.
If you have any queries about the course content, please contact the course coordinator.
30 credit internship (SIMR45)
Next course period:
2024-09-02 to 2025-01-19
15 credit internship (SIMR46)
Next course period:
2024-09-02 to 2024-10-31
2024-11-01 to 2025-01-19
Information on Insurance
While doing the internship, you have insurance via Lund University. For more information, visit the Kammarkollegiet website.